Coconut Rhino Suit

The wonderful part of aging stouts in bourbon barrels is all the decadent flavors that come from the bourbon and the oak. Locked in the grains of American oak barrels are wonderful flavors of vanilla, clove, butterscotch and lighter notes of smoke, caramel, and coconut. These flavors can be subtle, and sometimes difficult to pinpoint, but the complexity that they add makes the difference between a monotone beer and an extraordinary one.

To accentuate the barrel flavors in our next stout blend, we decided to add 200 pounds of toasted coconut to our signature bourbon barrel-aged Rhino Suit base. It adds depth to the roasty flavor, builds upon the silky, creamy mouthfeel, and emboldens the coconut flavor already present from oak.

With the flavor of coconut in this blend, our intention is to not have it taste like candy or become cloying. We want to accentuate the flavor of coconut that we would get from oak, and add a little more in conjunction with a toasty quality. The flavor is subtle and complimentary, the way it should be in a well rounded, full bodied stout.

The whole blend should at first taste, be big, bold and creamy, but our intentions and work for this beer really lie in the nuance and the subtle layers of flavor. 

The last time we used coconut was several years ago for our blend Bailey’s Joy. Without a doubt, we have grown and matured a lot since then! We’ve gained even more experience blending bourbon barrel-aged stouts, and adding flavors in just the right proportions. Tasting the richness and the complexity in this beer, we are proud of this blend and eager to share!

We hope you enjoy it just as much as we do. Cheers!


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