Pacific Bliss

We brewed this beer in honor of our tasting room manager Brandon’s wedding! 

Thinking about heading to our tasting room, you can’t not picture Brandon. He’s been here since day one, with his curled blond mustache and his oddly incredible memory. I mean, if you came to the tasting room years ago, Brandon would probably remember your name, your friend’s name and both of your social security number what beer you ordered.

This is just to say that he has helped define Alesong. We appreciate him dearly and that we are honored to brew a beer to celebrate him and his wife-to-be, Caroline.

Well, for their wedding, Brandon smartly asked for a beer that he could drink a couple glasses of at a wedding and still keep it appropriate when he gives a speech. More specifically, he was looking for something complex and unique, but still light and refreshing, and with a mild hop character.

Pacific Bliss is Alesong’s take on a grisette: a Belgian saison historically brewed as refreshment for miners! For the grains in this beer, we had the opportunity to use some exquisite local ingredients grown on and around Caroline’s property! We used purple barley, red wheat, white wheat and flaked spelt to name a few. These specialty farmhouse grains give this light beer a nice mouth feel and good body.

After spending about a year in French oak barrels, we dry-hopped the beer with Pacific Jade hops, known to add both citrus and black pepper aromas. We used this hop to conjure some classic Belgian spice aromas, balance the malt and grain base — and because it just sounded delicious!

Brandon named the beer Pacific Bliss, as an homage to the hop Pacific Jade, and of course because his feelings with Caroline are… bliss!Now unfortunately, their wedding has been postponed, but at least in the meantime, we’ll have their wedding beer to celebrate! Next time you're out at the tasting room, make sure to order a glass of Pacific Bliss and tell Brandon congratulations!


Raindrops on Roses

