Get to know your beer: Alesong White

For the last beer of our winter release we are doing another round of Alesong White but this time we are packaging it! We first brewed Alesong White last summer for our tasting room and loved how it turned out so we wanted to package it for a mailing list release. Alesong White is our take on a Belgian Witbier or White Beer. This beer is brewed with a healthy dose of Malpass Farms wheat along with fresh orange zest, dried orange peel, camomile, coriander and fermented with a Belgian yeast strain. It gets its name, white, due to the fact that the protein from the wheat and the Belgian yeast does not easily fall out of suspension leaving the beer opaque. This beer was hazy before it was cool to be hazy. 

Alesong White is light, soft, and thirst quenching. Coming in at 4.8% abv with citrusy and floral aromas this beer is perfect with salads and seafood.


May 27 Release!


Get to know your beer: Kentucky Kilt